Quick and Short Sysop Module Instructions: (by N Hawthorn 2/1/92)
This module was created by N Hawthorn.
This does some "HEAVY" sysop stuff, like changing a user's record and listing users.
Since this information is "confidential" there are two levels of "security".
1. You cannot get to the first menu if you are not priv level 19
(Co- Sysop) or over (20 is Sysop).
2. You cannot get to the SECOND menu (Operations) without a "sysop"
password ! (this should NOT be the same as your log in password)
Tell any "Co-Sysop's" that they shouldn't even TRY to do the "Operations" because it will log them out WITHOUT ANY RETRY if they don't know the password! (any ILLEGAL attempts are logged to the user file too!)
This protects your information.
The file "sysopstuff" in the "bbssupport" folder contains the sysop "second" PASSWORD ("sysop" right now). Use a text editor and edit it to SOMETHING DIFFERENT than your log in password. It MUST have a (CR) at the end of the password.
Check userlist: (DO THIS FIRST !)
It will tell you the position of any errors. This allows you to FIX any problems that may be occuring in your userlist file.
Extra characters could get added to the file due to crashes/power glitches and such.
If you get a error;
JolliWrite (a text edit D/A) has a "indicator" of what character you are at in a file.
Other errors in your user list can be corrected by you using a text editor.
I have found "PowerEdit" and "Edit" to work just fine, even though they don't tell you what character number you are at. I use JolliWrite to look at the problem area, then switch to "Edit" to edit the WHOLE file (Jolli Write doesn't allow over a 32K file, and mine is 500K plus).
User Edit:
You can change anything you want, watch the format of stuff, if it has commas add them back. You don't need to add "~", it's done for you. If you do add a extra "~" things will get real screwed up.
PASSWORDS: Passwords are UPPERCASE !!! you need to enter them in UPPERCASE !